Pet Apps–Really?
in Barks and Blooms / cat / Cross Tuner / dog / pet / pet app / pet pictures / PetSnap
by Daniela Angelon
April 25, 2013
You saw that right–Pet Apps!
I know you’re picturing your cat or dog clutching your smart phone or iPad in their furry little paws and chasing virtual mailmen or toying with pixel-birds. Nope, these apps are for the entertainment of humans.
Pets reluctant to cooperate for pictures?–no worries–use PetSnap! It uses sounds to attract their attention and give you that oh-so-adorable head tilt that we find so endearing!
Do you ever wonder what your dog or cat is thinking? Wonder no more!
If you have found a quirky, comical or useful pet app., please share it with us!