Letter from a Delighted Barks and Blooms Client

We received this note from a client and had to share!  

“I was at Madonna Vet on Saturday morning  and everyone was chatting in the lobby and I had Henry and Julius (my cat) in for check-ups.” 

  “I was explaining that Henry was in daycare and a women suggested I contact a dog walker from Barks and Blooms because they were the best.” 

“Then the other woman in the lobby indicated that she also uses Bark and Blooms; and her dog got sick while she was away and had many messes that  had to be cleaned up. She said her house looked beautiful when she got home and that is why she will always use Barks and Blooms.

“She proceeded to tell me how great the service was and how her dog  just loved her walker.” 

Barks and Blooms Doggie Daycare in Hampden, back yard

Barks and Blooms Doggie Daycare in Hampden, front door
“Then I realized they we were trying to outdo each other with how great Barks and Blooms was when I interrupted and told them I had used Barks and Blooms from the beginning and that Henry was in their Doggie Day Care Center. 
It is hard to top me !!”
Best Wishes,  