Friday Funny: U.S. Pet Poll reveals 18% Want a Pet Dinosaur…Really?

I received a newsletter from PSI (Pet Sitters International) this week and one of the headlines stated that a recent U.S. Pet Poll (see here) revealed that 18% really would like to have a dinosaur.   Really?

This is probably what they have in mind:

Have none of them seen Jurassic Park?  Or the sequels?  We’ve all seen them. 

Everyone is all  “Awwww…..” and “Aren’t they cuddly?”  in the beginning.

And then there’s a lot of screaming and running at the end.

 Another interesting result of the poll was that 26% of those polled wanted a tiger, 20% a giraffe and 16% wanted an elephant. 

We at Barks and Blooms really love what we do, but I think we’re probably sticking to dogs, cats, birds, bunnies…….maybe the occasional snake………..